The PMMA-2DPAGE Database a New Member of Federalized Two-dimensional Electrophoresis Databases: A Simple Means of Publishing Two-dimensional Electrophoresis Data


  • J. Knizek Institute of Radiobiology and Immunology,
  • J. Stulik Institute of Radiobiology and Immunology,
  • L. Hrdlickova Institute of Information, Purkyne Military medical Academy, Hradec Kralove
  • I. Komarkova Institute of Radiobiology and Immunology,
  • A. Macela Institute of Radiobiology and Immunology,


Proteome analysis is a relatively new providing information about the quantitative changes in protein expression under precisely defined conditions. The procedure should complete data obtained by DNA sequencing and should offer new objectives for biological and medical studies. Likewise DNA sequencing, proteome study is a highthrough-put technology producing huge amounts of data that need to be exchanged. For this purpose, large networked databases of proteins separated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis are constructed.This paper describes the formation of the first Czech database of this kind which can be used by the Czech scientific community for publishing the results of proteome studies.



Jak citovat

Knizek, J., Stulik, J., Hrdlickova, L., Komarkova, I., & Macela, A. (2001). The PMMA-2DPAGE Database a New Member of Federalized Two-dimensional Electrophoresis Databases: A Simple Means of Publishing Two-dimensional Electrophoresis Data. Chemické Listy, 95(6). Získáno z


